Happy, but measured. This is Luis Miguel Ramis. Not even winning in Gran Canaria and eliminating his eternal rival from a promotion final has made him pick up his feet from the ground. “We have entered well. We knew that in the first few minutes they were going to be very intimidating. In those minutes we have been very vertical, aggressiveintuitive and that has generated the scoring actions for us and has turned everything upside down”, he analysed.

“Those moments can mark the future of a game. We felt strong and in general we played a great game”, pointed out the technician. “I am tremendously satisfied by the fans, by the fans for what they transmit to me on a day-to-day basis and to hear the players who break their hearts and when they can’t take it anymore, they touch the shield and get more energy,” he assured.
He stressed that he was “satisfied with all of them, but our objective was further than tonight, not only to eliminate Las Palmas. Now, to enjoy the final”. Furthermore, he indicated that he has no interest in getting into stories. “I want what I want and you know it very well. The prizes and the statistics speak well, but the objective is what it is. What is going to be written is already there. We enjoyed ourselves, especially the people and working for tomorrow’s game” .
He recalled that a few years ago he played a similar tie with Albacete, albeit with a different outcome. “There we had a very nice story, although we fell in the first round. Many years have passed and everyone knows of my connection with this island. For the team to compete like this is not easy and it is their fault. It is the most powerful moment of my sports career after winning here”assured.
Looking at the final, he said that he has not thought about who will play. “No games are the same, they are all difficult, as was UD, who had a very good finish, but we started from scratch. Winning at the Heliodoro and doing it here has a lot of merit and we give it a lot of value”remarked a happy, but measured Luis Miguel Ramis.