Rain of millions for PSG

The French league (LFP) and the CVC investment fund are negotiating a millionaire contract with which to inject money into the Gallic championship that would have PSG as the undisputed beneficiary. The club chaired by Nasser Al Khelaïfi would win the 30% of the cakewhich would bring him, just for the signature, a sum of 450 million. As announced, the fund would pay 1,500 million to take over 13% of the competition.

The economic crisis of the French championship after the bad experience with Mediapro has urged its clubs to negotiate with said fund. The measure favors PSG, which would take most of the agreement. Lille, Marseille, Nice and Lyon would be in the second step of benefits, still very far from what PSG would achieve.

CVC, the fund with which Tebas has also reached an agreement in Spain -despite the opposition of Madrid and Barça-, sent the documentation in the early hours of Thursday to Friday to the LFP and has eight days from now to close the deal. There were three other funds interested, but the French employers decided to negotiate with CVC and not give the others the opportunity to bid.

This new signing would mean an extra stream of money for PSG, which already has external elements due to its property in Qatar that allow it to have a stronger financial muscle than other big clubs in Europe.

In addition to this, there is a conflict of interest with LaLiga for what CVC will do in the event that in the future it has to offer some of its products in market opportunities such as Asia, for example: sell the Spanish league, as it seemed until now, or sell the French league with the strength of PSG. The situation would generate many disputes.