Rafinha opens in Europe

La Real travels to Leipzig with 23 summoned, including Marrero, Djouahra and Ander Martín del Sanse

Rafinha debuts in a European call with Real

Rafinha debuts in a European call with Real

Luis M Unciti

La Real travels to Leipzig with an official call for 23 players. A pack of wolves without sheep’s clothing, since Imanol introduces everything he has at his disposal into the expedition, including three reinforcements from the Sanse as the goalkeeper Marrero, Djoahra Y ander martin. They fall off the trip, as planned, the sanctioned Zubimendi and the injured Januzaj, which join the expected casualties of Monreal, Barrenetxea and Carlos Fernández. One of those summoned is Rafinha Alcántara. It is the first time that the Brazilian enters a European call with Real.

23 called up for Leipzig

23 called up for Leipzig


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