Rafael Amargo’s father, hospitalized after the dancer’s imprisonment

difficult times for Rafael Amargo and his family. The bailaor was placed in immediate provisional prison this Friday after failing to attend, on several occasions, the appointment that requires him to sign in court while awaiting trial for an alleged crime of drug trafficking. The judge has declared a “risk of flight” and the Prosecutor’s Office requests a sentence of nine years in prison. After hearing the news, his father, Florentinois hospitalized and his condition is delicate.

In addition, Jaime Caballerothe flamenco dancer’s lawyer, confirms this Saturday to The Spanish that Florentino, Rafael’s father, is admitted in a critical situation and that he is “quite bad after his son’s arrest, as any father can find himself.”

Although the flamenco dancer’s relationship with his father has always been marked by multiple ups and downs, Amargo already declared to the media last July that his problems with the law are affecting his father’s health. “What hurts me the most is that it is costing my father his life. He is dying in a hospital,” he said.

For their part, Rafael’s parents have handled their son’s problems with the law in the most discreet way possible. At all times, they have stated that they believe in their son’s innocence.

Provisional prison for Rafael Amargo

Amargo will be tried in April along with his theater producer and a partner for the alleged sale of narcotics in the Malasaña neighborhood, facts for which the Prosecutor’s Office requests a sentence of 9 years in prison for an alleged crime against public health.

The artist is also being investigated by the Investigative Judge number 27 of Madrid for a crime of drug trafficking and attack on authority, following a complaint filed last July by his neighbors in relation to the alleged sale of drugs in his apartment. Espiritu Santo Street in the capital.