Rafael Amargo, about to finish a master’s degree in Drug Addiction after his problems with the law

Clean slate for Rafael Amargo. . The dancer, who has been linked to the world of dance since he was a teenager, premieres this Friday Chiaroscuro, a less idealized flamenco dance proposal (like life itself). In addition, Amargo, who was arrested in December 2020 for an alleged crime of drug and narcotics trafficking, is beginning a master’s degree in Mental Health and another in Drug Dependence. Both from the University of Barcelona.

at your show Chiaroscuro, the project linked to his well-known work career, the dancer “moves away from the purely aesthetic to present a less idealized flamenco, a little stunted and even dark, a dramatic work that plays the balance between the animal – or fierce – and the human “. As reported this Friday The Spanish.

Likewise, from the aforementioned newspaper they add that the show will feature music from Luis Laraat the dramaturgy of Rafael Moraira, the dance of Luisa Chinaco and the Málaga Reel. Furthermore, on stage, those who travel to the Carmen Thyssen Museum in Malaga to immerse themselves in the Spanish choreographer’s show will be able to see live Josele Roman y Sonia Santana.

On the other side of the coin, Rafael adds to his artistic projects, obtaining a master’s degree in Mental Health, as well as in Drug Addiction. The first of them aims to “qualify students for the exercise of their specialized professional function related to drug addiction, in the areas of diagnosis, treatment, planning and execution of prevention and harm reduction programs.”

The second, also linked to the Mental Health sector, has as its main objective “to provide sufficiently broad and multidisciplinary training on drug consumption and dependence, complementing homogeneous basic training for all participants.”

Although he already has both titles, Rafael Amargo will have to present his final project in the month of November. As indicated The Spanishthe dancer will add to his work interviews with prominent personalities in the world of music, philosophy, plastic and performing arts.