Racist shouts to Vinicius Tanque at Atleti B-Atlético Baleares

The match between Atlético Baleares and Atlético B that was played this Sunday at Cerro del Espino has left a sad episode of racism in Spanish football. The player of the Balearic club Vinicius Tanque received cries of “monkey” and simian sounds from a sector of the stands.

The expletives towards the Brazilian forward began while the Atlético Baleares players protested the action of a penalty indicated in favor of Atlético and later stopped by Xavi Ginard. From that moment, a sector of fans located behind the goal of the Balearic team began to go contemptuously towards Vinicius Tanque.

Although the screams have been perfectly heard through the television broadcast, the referee Munarriz Mateos did not include it in the minutes, in which he did highlight that the match started 30 minutes late due to an incident on the road suffered by Atlético Baleares.