Queen Sofia receives medical discharge after four days hospitalized

The Queen Sofia (85) was discharged from the hospital this Saturday around 6:30 p.m. after four days in hospital. The emeritus has left the Rúber Internacional Clinic in Madrid, where she was admitted last Tuesday for a urinary tract condition, due to her own foot, and she has gotten into a black car. From the vehicle, Felipe VI’s mother stated that she feels very well and indicated that she wants to return home.

During these days, as reported by the Royal Family, Doña Sofía has remained “in observation“and its evolution has been”very fast and favorable“. Since last Tuesday, Felipe VI has visited his mother up to three times. The first was the day of Queen Sofia’s admission. The next day, Wednesday, the father of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia came returned to the clinic and upon leaving he stated that Queen Sofía was “very well, excited and looking forward to returning soon“. On Thursday, after his trip to Las Palmas, Felipe visited Doña Sofía again, this time, with the company of Queen Letizia.

(News in development)
