Holy Thursday is one of the big days in Holy Week in Malaga. The Spanish Armed Forces pay tribute to their Christ of the Good Death and carry it in a procession, an act that does not usually have the presence of royal members. The last time was in 1996, with a very young Prince Philip. This year, the queen emeritus has accepted the invitation of the legionnaires, honored by her presence: “It is a tremendous pride for the Legion to have our Queen here.”

The day, of course, was not for parties but Mrs. Sofia He has dressed up with a cape and an umbrella to attend his appointment at the Levante Dique Berth (ADL). The king’s mother reviewed the troops and witnessed, moved, how the legionaries sang the ‘Groom of Death’ before disembarking from the Navy Ship Petty Officer Casado.
Subsequently, the emerita went to the Plaza de Fray Alonso de Santo Tomás, where the solemn ceremonies were scheduled to continue in the church of Santo Domingo. Among the hundreds of people awaiting the arrival of Christ, faces as well known as Antonio Banderas And your daughter, Stella del Carmeno José Luis Martínez Almeida with his fiancee, Teresa Urquijoto whom he will say “yes, I want” on April 6.