The Royal Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET) publishes this Thursday a “guide prepared jointly with the Higher Sports Council (CSD), which establishes the protocol for the return to training and the restart of federated and professional competitions” from May 11, in the areas that enter from that day in phase 1 of the de-escalation of the state of alarm due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “It is subject to the health evolution of the pandemic. Therefore, it will be subject to possible health reinforcement measures or last-minute changes that the Government may decide, through the single command established for the current state of alarm.” In this phase you can already play tennis in sports centers and authorized clubs.
Image of the presentation on the phases of the de-escalation after COVID-19 broadcast by the RFET.
Among other measures, the main ones that affect high level athletes (DAN), professionals, are the flexible hours, practice only in the individual mode and not in doubles, the obligation to play outdoors, the commitment to give up greetings on the track and the mandate not to move outside the province, for which they may use their own vehicles or public transport with the obligatory use of masks. These rules also apply to technicians, who may be present in training. The federated cannot leave their municipality and will have to practice at the established times.
It is prohibited to play those who have been in contact with infected people during the last 14 days, those who have symptoms, those who belong to risk groups and anyone who does not have a federal license. A series of hygiene, safety and use of sports equipment measures are also established.
Click here for the complete RFET guide.