Princess Leonor goes out to party in Zaragoza: white satin top and disco with escorts

The Princess Eleanor He returned last Monday to the General Military Academy of Zaragoza after his Christmas vacation. This weekend, with the return to routine, the heir to the throne has made time in her agenda to enjoy the night in the Aragonese capital.

The first-born daughter of Felipe VI and Doña Letizia attended, along with some of her classmates, the Parrosa well-known nightclub in Zaragoza, located between the streets of El Tubo, as confirmed to Informalia local sources. For her night out, Leonor chose a white satin top with her back and stomach exposed, jeans, and large black sunglasses. She had her hair styled in a high ponytail.

The princess was, at all times, controlled by at least two bodyguards, as confirmed by our sources. Although, “they maintained a safe distance.” Every time they intercepted a person at the nightclub trying to take photos of Leonor, the agents “forced them to delete the snapshots,” as eyewitnesses explain to this portal; the same ones who at one point during the night saw the princess go to the bathroom along with two friends from the Academy and the bodyguards waited for them at the door.

Social networks were quick to echo the night out of the heir to the throne in the Aragonese capital. Some social media users agree that the princess left the premises after having given more than necessary, although this has not been corroborated by our own sources. The portal I am from Zaragoza He adds that His Royal Highness had planned to continue the night at the Kenbo nightclub, but, in the end, he did not attend. They confirm to us that he had planned to go to Kenbowhere they were informed of his visit, but we cannot confirm why he decided to interrupt the night.