Prince William adds to the fashion of dressing ‘matching outfits’ with his children for Father’s Day in the United Kingdom

Fun and natural. This is the postcard that the Prince Guillermo (40) has chosen this Sunday to congratulate Father’s Day in the United Kingdom with his three children, the princes Georgenine years old, Charlotteeight years old, and Louisof five.

The photograph shows Princess Charlotte and Prince George smiling and looking admiringly at their father, while the younger brother embraces their husband. Kate Middleton By the shoulders.

For this special occasion, the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom has posed with his little ones wearing matching outfits, that is, with looks that combine, in this case in different shades of blue. This trend is becoming more and more popular among celebrities.

The photo was taken at Windsor Castle earlier this year by Millie Pilkington, who has photographed the children of the Prince and Princess of Wales on several occasions. “Happy Father’s Day”, they wrote in the official publication of Kensington Palace, which already accumulates more than 200,000 ‘likes’.

Holiday weekend for the British royal family that this Saturday almost completely met to celebrate the Trooping the Colourthe first parade in honor of the king’s birthday, Charles III. William rode with his father through the streets of London, and with them the prince edward and the princess anne. Kate and the queen camilla They made the tour in a carriage with the children.
