President Calzada wants more aid from the institutions

The President of Sabadell, Esteve Calzada has asked “I apologize”Due to the demotion of the team and at the same time he has guaranteed the continuity of his project by underlining “The insufficient help given from the institutions towards a club that represents the city ”.

For more than an hour the president of Sabadell has analyzed the situation in which the club remains after relegation to the First RFEF. “The first that I want is to apologize for the descent. We have done many things well but also many things wrong ”. At the same time he wanted “Thank the players, the coaching staff, the club workers for their effort until the end”.

Road has guaranteed that “the investor pool will continue. We are in a much better situation than in the last descent with the club healthy in a solid situation ”.

On the sporting future of the team, he said that “our intention is to continue counting on Antonio Hidalgo. Has a contract and he is the best coach for our project ”. On Thursday you will have a meeting with him. It is also pending to know the continuity of the sports director José Manzanera after relegation of the team.

He wanted to make it clear that “the team has not come down due to bad luck.” At the same time, he pointed out that “after losing in Alcorcón we asked the players to make an effort until the end so that they could go as low as possible”. He did not want to pronounce on a hypothetical Burgos decline due to player complaints. In which case the Sabadell could occupy said place.

Calzada was blunt about the lack of support. “We have had to pay to train and we have not had the facilities commensurate with a professional soccer team.”

It has been especially shown annoyed with the town hall. “We do not have the aid that other clubs have with their cities. With the current support of the city council we are not going anywhere. They have also told us that after the decline we have to take care of the club's consumption, a figure between 150 and 200 thousand euros ”.

Finally, he pointed out that “we need more than ever the city to support us. We want to have 5,000 partners and make a strong team. But if we want a budget to go up will have to be with more aid than the current ones ”.