Premier Padel will undertake legal actions against the PPA and some players for the boycott


Premier Padel announced on Monday that he will immediately begin “strong legal actions” against the Professional Paddle Association (PPA) and against the players who supported the “illegal and unprecedented boycott” to the circuit, which he accuses of causing “a catastrophic financial and reputational damage.”

“In relation to the illegal and unprecedented boycott of the Premier Padel tournaments by certain male players, which has caused catastrophic financial and reputational damage to the circuit, to the promoters, to the commercial partners and the television channels that hold rights of retransmission of the championship, Premier Padel will immediately begin forceful legal actions against the PPA Breaches of the Long Form Agreement, legally binding for all parties and is in force with the male players, “he said in a statement.

In this sense, Premier Padel emphasizes that each of the details of the agreement was negotiated “scrupulously for more than a year with the PPA.” “In addition, to protect the integrity of the circuit and sport, Premier Padel has submitted a legal application to the International Paddle Federation (FIP) to immediately begin disciplinary procedures against players who have breached their fundamental obligations in accordance with the governing norms of sport,” he said.

The Padel Professional Association (PPA) said a few days ago that the sport needs “a clear regulation”, and denounced the “attempts” of the FIP and Premier Padel to “misrepresent the players and the PPA.” The majority of the players refused to participate in the P2 tournament of Gijón and in Cancun (Mexico) as a protest.

Among its main claims are the change of points and regulation of participation in tournaments; a average of the tournaments that count for the ranking; An agreement between the FIP and the PPA and that the players are an active part of the project and not a simple consulting body.

This Monday, Premier Padel also announced “changes and new improvements” in the official professional circuit after meetings with players, players and the FIP. Thus, he agreed to keep the size of the female paintings unchanged, cover the costs of the hotels in the qualifying phase of each tournament to support the smallest ranking players and increase the female picture awards in the P2 tournaments by 10,000 euros.

“At the meeting of the Ranking Committee with the PPA, despite the fact that the meeting was convened exclusively to collect the opinion of the male players about the sizes of the paintings, the PPA said that it did not have a defined preference regarding the changes in the size of the paintings. Therefore, given the public and repeated rejection expressed by the male players on the size of the paintings of 2025, Premier Padel and the FIP have made a FIP Important concession when returning to the 2024 box sizes for the P1 and P2, with effect from the Santiago P1, “he concluded.