Prades: “We have to maintain this level to continue fighting for everything”


The Spanish women’s handball coach, José Ignacio Prades, was very satisfied after beating Germany (26-21) in the quarterfinals of the World Cup in Spain and assured that they must “maintain this level” if they want to “continue fighting for everything” now that they are only one game away from guaranteeing the medal.

“We could not hide that tension of the moment, that management is sometimes complicated, everyone’s head is a complex thing, but the really important thing is that the team has been relieved by the public, because of that heat that we need “, said the coach.

“We have achieved the peace of mind we needed and after an initial email, victory may be more valuable. We knew how to remain calm, work little by little and turn it around. From less to more, which is the line that the team takes”, Prades said in statements provided by the Royal Spanish Handball Federation (RFEBM).

“We have to maintain this level to continue fighting for everything,” he added when asked about the semifinal challenge. “There is not much time to prepare for the games, you start to accumulate more games and the good thing is that the rotations participate and they work like a charm,” he said.

“I want to give value to Mireya González and Laura Hernández, who have been left out for the second time in a row. It is something that had not happened, their work is commendable and they are a real help. They are prepared in case any vicissitude happens. I wanted to put in value that work that sometimes is not seen, “said Prades.

Finally, the ‘Guerreras’ coach stressed that the team is “adapting” both to “circumstances and to the rival.” “It is a virtue that from the defense we are building a good framework so that we do not have to suffer too much in attack,” he concluded.