Portugal, also in quarantine for the positive of Busquets

The Portuguese team must be quarantined due to the positive of Sergio Busquets in Covid-19. The captain of the Spanish National Team had contact with the Portuguese players before the game, both in the captains' greeting and in the joint photo that both teams took to promote the Iberian Bid for Spain and Portugal to organize the 2030 World Cup..

Busquets came to embrace with Cristiano Ronaldo, captain of Portugal and greeted all the players of the Portuguese team. This positive has occurred after the Spanish players were in a bubble since Monday that they reached the concentration.

To all Spanish internationals They were tested for antigens upon arrival at the Ciudad del Fútbol of Las Rozas on Monday, May 31, and they all tested negative, iJust like the Europa League and Champions finalists who joined on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. On Friday, May 27, all of them had also had a PCR and also tested negative.

Spain's participation in the Eurocup, in principle, is not in danger. But they must follow the UEFA Covid-19 prevention protocol. And both Spain and Portugal must be quarantined for 12 days.