Platini does not think about coming back but he does think about a “rematch”

Former player and former soccer executive Michael Platini He affirmed this Friday that he will not try to return to FIFA or UEFA and announced that he has initiated legal action in France against those who wanted to destroy him.

“I don’t feel like going back to that world,” Platini said in an interview with the LCI television channel a week after being acquitted by a Swiss court of a corruption charge.

He explained that he no longer intends to run for office at FIFA, UEFA or the French Federation. “It’s over,” he insisted.

At 67, the French soccer legend who presided over UEFA between 2007 and 2015, lamented that the court case that cost him his job has lasted seven years and has left him “a deep wound.”

The Federal Criminal Court acquitted former FIFA president Sepp Blatter and Platini on the 8th in a corruption trial for a payment of two million Swiss francs (about two million euros at current exchange rates) that the former made to the second.

Platini assured that the acquittal did not surprise him: “I know what I have done, so it was not a surprise for me.” Therefore, he indicated that he has not filed a lawsuit in France to seek to determine the origin of the accusations. “I try to see how this has happened and that it can’t happen to anyone else,” he explained, although he acknowledged that he is looking for “a little revenge.”

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