Piqué’s viral anger: he denies footballer De Jong a seat and sends him for a walk

The ex of Shakira has become one of the protagonists of the day on social networks for a video that has spread like wildfire on Twitter and shows the latest public anger from Gerard Piqué. The reason? The footballer’s request The Youngcurrently at FC Barcelona, ​​who asks him to change the seat in the stands to be able to be with his girl.

Read also – Scoop: Shakira has not informed Piqué that she is taking her children and the family believes that they should finish the course in Barcelona

Piqué, in a bad mood, denies him the favor to the astonishment of those present, who try to convince him until, tired, he sends them all away with a wave of his arm. The debate between fans and haters has not been long in coming: “Should I have given him his seat? That De Jong would have gone back with the girlfriend,” say the first. The seconds go further: “He is an asshole” or “What an element Shakira got rid of.”