Shakira She counts the days and hours to head to Miami with her two children, Milan 10 years and Sasha of 8. In principle, it will do so on April 1, taking advantage of Spring Break, a spring vacation that American schoolchildren enjoy and that would allow children to join their new school without problem.
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The family of Gerard Piqué is “suffering” the media commotion that the breakup has generated and also coping with the bombshell of the spiteful songs of the Colombian singer. Congratulations y Monotony they were already advancing something, but the Session 53 y TQG they have been too much Lots of pressure.
The parties at the house of the Colombian singer, who this Monday offered her most anticipated interview on television, and the darts on her part have done the rest. “You left my mother-in-law as a neighbor, with the press at the door and the Treasury debt.” Montserrat Bernabéuwho was allegedly aware of the relationship between his son and Clara Chiadoes not win for disappointment.

The parents of the former culé defender are neighbors of the one in Barranquilla, since the two houses in Espulgues de Llobregat are connected. Harmony, clearly, has not reigned for a while: “She has wanted to leave for a long time and she has not left because of her father, but Piqué and his family also want her to arrive now. They have psyched themselves up, they are clear that this is going to happen and they have the ability to travel to Miami to see these children,” journalist Sandra Aladro told this Thursday in Ana Rosa’s program.
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Therefore, they are anxious to see Shakira catch that plane that will return her to the United States after twelve years with the former Blaugrana central defender: “The relationship and the tension is such that they believe that the best remedy is that the sooner the transfer arrives, it will be better for everyone… now the children are in a very ugly situation”. Little Milan and Sasha will be missed, but the situation is untenable… Everyone knows it.