Piqué will try to play this Tuesday against PSG!

At AS we already announced two days ago that Gerard Piqué's feelings were unbeatable. “It goes like a shot”, they confirmed to us from inside the dressing room, ensuring that the central defender's intention was to play the second leg of the Cup semifinals against Sevilla, which will be played on March 3. He had almost three weeks ahead of him to pick up the pace of competition and add workloads with the group. But ‘La Vanguardia’ has gone one step further, ensuring that Piqué plans to test himself this Sunday to assess the real options he has to play… on Tuesday against PSG!

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Evidently, neither technicians nor medical services are in favor of assuming such a risk: the player has been inactive for almost three months and it would be totally inadvisable for him to play a highly demanding game without a previous shoot. Nevertheless, Piqué has asked for an opportunity and Koeman has given him the go-ahead to rejoin the morning session this Sunday and see for himself his status as well as the real options he has to help the team this Tuesday.

You have to remember that I hammered He was injured on November 21, diagnosing him with a grade three sprain in the medial lateral ligament and a partial anterior cruciate tear of the right knee, with an unofficial prognosis of between three to four months in the best of cases, as long as he opted for the conservative approach and did not undergo surgery. Well then, The three months have not yet been completed and Piqué could reappear. Everything will depend on his feelings in training on Sunday, although Koeman has already warned him that if he is not one hundred percent he does not want to take any risks.

In a similar situation is Ronald Araújo, who suffered a grade two sprain to his left ankle last weekend. The initial forecast was for about three weeks off the pitch, but the Uruguayan central defender is willing to infiltrate to be able to play the game against PSG. Whatever happens at the end, Koeman can be more than satisfied: he has managed to get the team to demonstrate its absolute commitment to the project he leads.