Piqué found the word “traitor” written in the locker room two years ago

Gerard Piqué is one of the names of the last days, after the audios of his conversations with the president of the RFEF, Luis Rubiales, referring to his intermediation for the Spanish Super Cup in Saudi Arabia and revealed by ‘El Confidencial’. Beyond this, the negotiations of the Barça central defender two years ago during the pandemic with the then president, Josep Maria Bartomeufor an improvement of his contract in exchange for dividing the payment in installments that would facilitate the damaged economy of the Barça club, and when the maximum president asked for a reduction in the salary of the players, who were not willing to accept this demand, he did not like it in the Barça dressing room.

Piqué retouched his contract in October 2020 until 2024, with a fixed salary of 41 million euros the last year plus variables. When the rest of the players learned the details of the new contract of Pique, especially the veterans, who wanted to maintain a unified position, the reactions were immediate and in the locker room, the center-back came to find the word “traitor” written on the blackboard. So says the newspaper ABC in its edition this Saturday.

Captain by seniority, not by votes

In the information published by the newspaper, it is also reported that Pique, who ended up being one of the four captains of the squad in 2018, was so because of experience but not because the rest of the players chose him, dissatisfied with some of the decisions and attitudes of the center-back. In addition, it is added that the relationship between Messi y Pique It did not end well and at present they do not speak.

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