Piqué, accused of being xenophobic for his comment against Latinos: “Those people don’t have lives”

A simple comment, and the octopus has fallen. And it is that Gerard Piquéwhen commenting on any matter about the relationship with his ex-wife, Shakira, every day his mouth gets bigger, and he seems not to think about the consequences of any of his comments. The last one, who has blown up social networks, has managed to be pointed out as xenophobic: “My ex-partner is Latin American… You don’t know what I have come to receive through social networks from people who are fans. They are people who do not have life”.

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In case he had “received” little on the networks, with this statement, logically, he has received much more, and in all languages, not only in Spanish. In addition, in a rather elegant way, her former Latin American has answered her, also through the networks, with a simple “Proud to be Latin American”, complete with the flags of all the countries that share the Latino origin. Piqué touched, and sunk.

Shakira’s response alone has almost 50 million views and 900,000 “likes” on Twitter in a few hours, where Piqué has been pointed out more vehemently as xenophobic. Criticism against him has also erupted for other aspects of his behavior in the crisis with Shakira.

He makes it clear that his problem is not how Latin American his wife is, but how unfaithful he could have been with her. Clara Chiaor how badly his mother has behaved, Monserrat Bernabeuas mother-in-law with the Colombian, or her father, Joan Piquethat clothes have not hurt when it comes to evicting her and her two grandchildren from the house she occupied in Barcelona by order of her son.

The ex-soccer player made the fateful comment during an interview that he had as head and manager of the successful Kings League, in which he explained his stormy separation from Barranquilla’s, pointing out its origin and the reactions of his fans through the networks as a problem. social to conflict.

Read alsoShakira, evicted by Gerard Piqué: the poisoned mail that the father of the former soccer player sent him

Thus, the now businessman justifies the difficulties and belligerence with a resounding “my ex-partner is Latin American”, and the reaction has been immediate since then. Unfortunately, the former Barça central defender will almost certainly not be forgiven for this comment in the lands that are on the other side of the Atlantic. Not only Shakira’s fans have reacted. An entire people united under many flags has reacted on the networks.