“Perra Sanxe”: the pin with which Begoña Gómez ‘shoots’ the detractors of her husband, Pedro Sánchez

The country is expectant and counting the hours to know the electoral results of this Sunday 23J. During these days, even the smallest detail of the electoral campaigns of the main parties (PSOE, PP, Sumar, Vox…) has been looked at with a magnifying glass and there is one in particular that in the last hours has been much commented on on social networks.

We talk about Begoña Gomezwho last Friday accompanied her husband, Pedro Sanchez, at the end of the campaign held in Getafe, at the La Alhóndiga sports center. The attendees wore a funny pin that read “Perra Sanxe”, making their own meme that right-wing supporters made famous on networks to criticize the socialist. Gómez was not far behind and also wore it before the cameras of the photographers.

On Twitter, shock was widespread. That he Master Joao appeared behind them in the photograph, among the socialist public, did not go unnoticed at all…

This Sunday, the current President of the Government and his wife have been early risers when it comes to voting. The director of the chair at the Complutense University of Madrid has given everything to red, the color of her husband’s education, while Sánchez has opted for a comfortable casual look made up of jeans and a gray shirt, without a tie.

“I have good vibes. The Spaniards are the ones who are going to decide the future and progress of our country and their voices must be heard. I encourage participation and mobilization because it is a very important moment for our country and our democracy,” said Sánchez.

For their part, Feijóo and his wife, Eva Cardenashave coincided on the morning of this 23J with Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada in the same electoral college; Santiago Abascal has come without Lydia Bedman; y Yolanda Diaz has deposited her vote very well accompanied by her daughter, Carmela.