Pere Milla explodes after the penalty not called by Jordi Alba: “Who doesn’t cry doesn’t suck…”

The outcome of Elche-Barcelona was marked by controversy. He was running the 82nd minute when the Barcelona players demanded Hernández Hernández a hand inside the Barragán area. The Canarian referee went to see him on the VAR screen and decreed the maximum penalty. For Iturralde Gonzalezreferee analyst AS and Carousel: “For me it’s not VAR and it creates a lot of doubts in me. It’s a referee’s play. If the referee sees it live, then good. If there’s movement, it’s a penalty.”

In the play the ball touches Barragan then go in the direction of Memphis and go back to the fringe-green side and touch him on the hand. Memphis was in charge of launching the penalty from 11 meters and put the final 1-2 for the Barcelona.

The game still provided two other plays that will make people talk. Elche were looking for a draw when, after taking a corner, the ball touched Jordi Alba’s hand in a play in which Pere Milla was involved. this time Hernández Hernández did not call a penalty. Iturralde agreed with the referee’s criteria: “He has his hand down. He sees it. It’s nothing.” An opinion that Pere Milla does not share. Minutes after the end of the match, the Elche footballer pulled irony on his social networks. He posted the video of the play, in which you can see how the ball hit Jordi Alba’s left hand, and attached the following text: “Natural hand! The Spanish proverb never fails: who does not cry does not suck.”

The last controversy of the match happened already in the discount, minute 94. The people from Elche demanded another maximum penalty, this one after the hand of Busquets. The referee analyst AS and Carousel considers that Hernandez Hernandez he made the right decision: “It hits him in the hand but it’s not from VAR either. He has it down.”