Mario Vargas Llosa’s health is news and it is not a positive message. Isabel Preysler’s ex is not feeling well, as announced by journalist Aurelio Manzanos on the program Fiesta from Telecinco. Vargas Llosa, who is in Spain, is in poor health.
The Spanish-Peruvian Nobel Prize winner in Literature overcame Covid last July after being admitted to the Ruber clinic in Madrid for several days. It was the second time that the writer, author of The party of the goat y The city and the Dogs, He had to be hospitalized for this same ailment. The first was in April 2022. Vargas Llosa “is in very good condition, and very happy to return home, and above all, very grateful to all the staff at the Ruber clinic for the professional and kind treatment they have given him.” last few days,” his family then told this portal.
A little over a year ago, Isabel Preysler’s ex-boyfriend lived a historic moment for him when he entered the French Academy, the institution founded four centuries ago by Cardinal Richelieu, in an event attended by King Juan Carlos I and the Infanta Cristina de Borbón.