In the afternoon of Wednesday, a historic from Real has died, one of the unforgettable players for what made several generations of txuri urdin fans enjoy on the field: Joseba
Arzak, known to everyone by ‘Peels’. Donostiarra from Fuenterrabía street and hero of Puertollano's ascent in 1967, has died at the age of 77, suffering from Alzheimer's for some time. In addition to being a footballer of the Real's first team for 13 seasons, from 1962 to 1975, he was president of the Guipuzcoan Football Federation before Juan
Arzak He played 340 official matches in the first squad of the Real during 13 decisive years in the history and growth of the club because, after achieving the promotion against Calvo Sotelo, the champion team was forged, who won the League title in 1981 and 1982. The donostiarra was a band midfielder with a long run, very brave in disputes and classy to play the ball. José Mari Martínez, who shared friendship and costumes during those 13 campaigns, defines him as “the Zamora of the time”. In those 340 games Arzak scored 70 goals.
After promotion, the hero of Puertollano played eight seasons in the highest category and had the honor of being one of the architects of the first European classification of the Real in its entire history, the UEFA Cup, which did not reach dispute.
Four years ago, Arzak he received the insignia of the Royal for adding 50 years without interruption.
The funeral for the soul of Peels
Arzak is celebrated this Friday in Donostia. The Royal Society wishes to express its condolences and condolences to his family.

to and close friends.