Pedro Troglio, an idol for him Olympia from Honduras With which he won his fourth title in just three years, he is about to end his catracha stage after receiving an offer from San Lorenzo to lead his team in 2022 in what would be his return to Argentina.
The coach, who in 2019 left Gymnastics To begin his new life in Honduras, he returned to his country on December 24 – a day after his fourth consecration with ‘the Lions’ – to spend the holidays.
Troglio, who went through the civil registry on Monday to marry Alejandra Alonso -mother of her two youngest children Mirko and Pedro- she intended to return to Argentina to be close to her mother and the rest of her family.
The 56-year-old strategist in addition to his brand new wife along with his two youngest children has four others from his previous marriage with the deceased Silvia Acosta (Gianlucca, Maria Pia, Camila Y Lara).
In this context, San Lorenzo met this Tuesday with Troglio to offer him the vacant coach position since the Uruguayan’s departure Paolo Montero for a next season where the ‘Cyclone’ needs to redirect its course after a year where it did not achieve any title and could not qualify for an international tournament for 2022.
Thus, Troglio would fulfill one of its objectives of returning to work one of the so-called ‘Grandes’ of Argentina, after passing through Independent in the 2007/08 season where he led 26 games (11 wins, 5 draws and 10 losses).