Pedro Sánchez arrives in Paris to “support” the Paralympic team and to “vindicate” his “example of life”

PARIS, 5 Sep. (by EUROPA PRESS special correspondent Ramón Chamorro) –

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, arrived in Paris on Thursday to show his support for the Spanish athletes who are competing in the Paralympic Games and to “vindicate the example of life, overcoming and competition” that they have, and he gave value to the more than 30 medals that they have won “in such a difficult and competitive competition.”

“We have come to support Spanish Paralympic athletes, Spanish and Paralympic sport and, above all, to vindicate the example of life of overcoming and competition that they have,” Sánchez told ‘TVE’ upon his arrival at the Stade de France to watch the athletics competitions.

The leader wanted to “underline the list of achievements” and “the medals”, 34 so far, that the Spanish team has, of which he is “very proud” and which is “doing very well”. “Hopefully it will happen, but with everything and with that I think that just the performance and having surpassed 30 medals in such a difficult, competitive competition, where at the end for a second you can be or not on the podium says a lot about the quality and the competition of Paralympic sport in Spain,” he said regarding the possibility of surpassing the 36 medals of Tokyo 2020.

The president stressed “the investment and commitment to Paralympic sport” that the Government has made, which “bears fruit” and that “it is also a harvest that has to be fertilized in time” because all Spanish athletes “need the support of the public sector, especially in those sports where they are really in the minority and need that support to be able to get ahead, to be able to train and to be able to combine it with other types of jobs.”

“In short, I believe that what we are seeing at these Paralympic Games is the fruit of their efforts, of course those of the athletes, of the Spanish Paralympic Committee and also of the public institutions that are working alongside them in the same direction,” said Pedro Sánchez, accompanied by the Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sport, Pilar Alegría, and the presidents of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, and the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE), Miguel Carballeda.