The Penya Barcelonista of Sant Adrià de Besòs has organized for its partners various activities in recent weeks: departure to Lloret de Mar and Peratallada; participation in the I Interpenyes Paddle Tournament of Barcelonès Est, with the participation of the president de la Penya, José Manuel Rubio, and the couple Óscar Requena-Lluís Ródenas (they finished third); or participation in the Ruta de les Fonts. But the most solemn act of the fall weeks was the anniversary of the Penya.

Presidential table at the 36th anniversary celebration
The 36th anniversary was celebrated with a lively party in the Mediterranean Restaurant, from Sant Fost de Campsentelles, in which a special recognition was made to Cristina Jené and Marc Jené, daughter and grandson respectively of former president Isabel Oltra, passed away last May, for his work and dedication during these 36 years in La Penya.

the Rock, in the Route of the Sources
FC Barcelona was represented by Francesc Martí, from the FC Barcelona Social Commission and at the event, along with the president of La Penya, José Manuel Rubio, was present the councilor of the City Council of Sant Adrià Roser Villalonga.

Francesc Martí, representative of FC Barcelona, during his speech
There was representation of the following Supporters Clubs: Barcelonista Solera de Calella; Barcelonist Mollet del Vallès; Blaugrana Foment Martinenc; Barcelonista Poblenou; Barcelonist Santa Coloma de Gramanet; Barcelonista Gol 3000; Barcelonist Pep Ventura; Blaugrana Trinitat Vella; Barcelonista Teixonera and Barcelonista Nova Lloreda, in addition to the presence of Francesc Subirats, president of the Federació de Penyes Barcelonès Est.

Special recognition to Isabel Oltra
After lunch, parliaments and the exchange of gifts, the act concluded with a dance for all those present.

Visit of the rock to the medieval city of Peratallada