Pau Gasol stresses “the importance of eating well, mental health and creating healthy school environments”

“You have to understand the importance of eating well, mental health and creating healthy school environments”


The former basketball player Pau Gasol visited the La Pau school this Wednesday, one of the centers that participate in the SEÍSMO project, promoted by the foundation led by him and his brothers, with the aim of promoting healthy habits, the “best possible condition ” to “pursue the dreams” of the youngest.

“We are delighted to be able to complement the work that Barcelona City Council does. We must understand the importance of eating well, mental health and creating healthy school environments. Being in the best possible condition to pursue your dreams”, explained the older brother of the Gasols at the event together with the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau.

The results of the PASOS study, from the same foundation, showed that one in three boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 16 in Spain is overweight. For this reason, together with the town hall, they have launched the project ‘Healthier and more sustainable school canteens’, where 45 educational centers are part of the initiative to prevent childhood obesity.

“We have to restore healthy habits. The pandemic has caused many complications in lifestyle and has affected us emotionally. We have to protect the most vulnerable, the groups that have fewer roads and need greater investment,” said Gasol. in reference to the activity used by his foundation to promote physical activity and sports, healthy eating, night rest and the emotional well-being of the population.


For her part, the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, highlighted the reinforcement of programs so that children “can be happy”. Along these lines, she recalled that the Catalan city was the World Capital of Sustainable Food last year.

“We promote healthy food for people and sustainable for the planet. A project together with the Gasol Foundation, which combines sports with healthy eating,” Colau pointed out about the basic condition to grow “strong, healthy and happy.”

The union between both parties aims to turn educational centers into a “healthy earthquake with positive repercussions” throughout the educational community, especially in neighborhoods with more disadvantaged socioeconomic indicators.

The proposal is addressed to all schools with a canteen service, which voluntarily decide to be part of a project that offers school menus with less red or processed meat, more salad as a side dish, fresh fruit in desserts and protein of origin vegetable. All this together with the promotion of fresh and seasonal products.