Patricia Rato and Espartaco debut as grandparents: their daughter Alejandra is pregnant

news of pregnancy Alejandra Ruiz de Rato It has filled the family with happiness. The young woman and her husband, Ernesto de Novalesare expecting their first child next spring, according to the magazine Hola.

It will be the first baby for the marriage and also the first grandchild for Patricia Rato y Juan Antonio Ruiz Espartaco. Alejandra, 30, married Ernesto, 42, in May 2021, in Seville.

The young woman, four months pregnant, works with her father in the management of the Dehesa Malavieja farm for holding events. Ernesto, for his part, runs a communication and advertising agency.

Patricia and Espartaco separated in December 2010, ending almost 20 years of union and three children. The ex of the bullfighter lives smiling next to the businessman javier moro, with whom he has shared his life for nine years (bottom photo). As we reported, They were married on September 7 in the strictest privacyin a small church in the province of Ciudad Real, near the Moro family farm in Talavera de la Reina.