The City Council will award the Gold Medal of Pamplona, the highest distinction that the Consistory can grant, to the Osasuna Athletic Club on the occasion of the celebration of its centenary. The decision, adopted by agreement of all municipal groups, will be ratified in the next plenary session that will take place on Thursday, November 5.

The Pamplona Gold Medal is the highest distinction awarded by the Pamplona City Council. Its purpose is to recognize and distinguish the people or entities that have contributed to the good name of the city or they have stood out for their extraordinary merits or, for the services rendered to the city. The awarding and delivery The Gold Medal is awarded by agreement of the Plenary and requires a majority of two thirds of the Corporate. One can be awarded per year.
Until now, the Pamplona City Council has awarded nine Gold Medals. The last one was awarded in 2010 to the Comparsa de Gigantes y Cabezudos of the city.
Pamplona City Council has collaborated with the rojillo club with the transfer of municipal public spaces to be able to decorate the city on the occasion of the centenary. The messages, which are already displayed on information panels or streetlights distributed throughout the city, refer to the club's one hundred years of life, and under the slogan “100 years with you” they accompany an Osasuna shield.