The designer and singer continue to enjoy their love story inside and outside Madrid. They no longer hide and this weekend they went to Bilbao to attend a dinner in the company of some friends among whom was Rosa Clarawith which dove caves he collaborates on a professional level and to which he has a very good personal relationship.
Also read: The secret roadmap of Paloma Cuevas and Luis Miguel to proclaim their love to the four winds
the ex of Enrique Ponce and Sol de México flew to the Basque Country on the artist’s private jet, which helps them not only save time but also maintain the privacy they value so much. This Wednesday, however, and according to And now Sonsoles, the most romantic images of the couple will come to light. It is a photographic report in which Paloma and Luis Miguel For the first time, gestures of affection are dedicated to each other in public: hugs, kisses and laughter that show that, one year after beginning their courtship, their relationship is more than consolidated.
And it is that, as we said, the two have been very careful to live their relationship away from the spotlight and the few images that have seen the light could be those of two friends: a hug around the waist and little else. Those of this Wednesday, however, leave no doubt: the report is one of the best paid in recent months.