his reaction in full live

Sonsoles Onega This Wednesday afternoon I interviewed the hairdresser Manuel Zamorano, who also has an open war with Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada, which adds to the one she has with Lolita, when the Mediaset bombshell broke: Ana Rosa leaves the afternoons and returns to the mornings starting February 3. At that very moment, Sonsoles … Read more

His lawyers sue the author and publisher of the book ‘Killing in Thailand’

The defense of the Spanish chef is not enough. Barely 48 hours after having filed an appeal against Daniel Sancho’s sentence in the Thai court (after having requested three extensions), Daniel Sancho’s lawyers are studying launching a new judicial procedure, this time as plaintiffs of Joaquín Campos, the journalist and author of the book Killing … Read more

“He has asked him not to speak anymore”

Things have gotten complicated for the designer, at the center of controversy since last Sunday she said live that she lives “like gypsies” in reference to her last move, thus offending the entire community. Agatha Ruiz de la Prada She tried to settle the problem by apologizing to Lolita and others affected, and she would … Read more