Pablo Urdangarin returns to Barcelona after attending his grandfather's birthday in Abu Dhabi

Always so discreet with his private life, Pablo Urdangarin has been seen arriving in Barcelona after attending the 86th birthday of his grandfather, King Juan Carlos I, in Abu Dhabi. Without wanting to reveal any details about the great party that he has experienced these days, the young man reappeared somewhat tired in front of the cameras.

Of course, polite with the press, he greeted the reporter when he met him and revealed that the birthday party had gone “very well”, but he did not confess any more details about this great meeting that the emeritus enjoyed in Abu Dhabi.

We also asked him how he spent these Christmas days with his father in Vitoria and the truth is that he was completely reluctant to make any statement. And, despite being one of the grandchildren of the emeritus most friendly to the press, he rarely reveals intimate details.

Very close to his parents, the young man is focused on his sports career, but he has not left any of them aside during these last few years in which there have been difficult times at home due to the divorce between them.

In this way, Pablo arrives in Barcelona to rest after a few very intense days with his father and, later, with his mother's family in Abu Dhabi celebrating the emeritus' 86th birthday.