Oyarzabal: “Going to Europe has to become routine”

Oyarzabal He faces his fifth season as a player for the Real's first team with the “same enthusiasm as the first day, when I was summoned for the Austria and Scotland stage”. Despite being 23 years old, he is already one of the team's captains, his ambition remains intact: “Everyone likes to win, winning has no limits, this year we are very excited about all the competitions we have and we can give the call “He added Oyarzabal at a press conference.

The Eibar understands that “what we achieved last year cannot be accidental, we want it to be like a habit, to fight for beautiful things, to enter Europe, we are going to fight so that it is not a surprise but a habit”, defends the Eibar, who speaks as if he had been at La Real for 10 years.

Oyarzabal He has always expressed his desire to continue at La Real, but with four competitions and two finals it has been the calmest summer period in terms of his future: “No summer have I been worried, I have enough things during the year to worry about my future ”, He elegantly haggles the question. “I have used the summer to rest, disconnect, be with my family, continue working to return well from vacation; we are already here and we have the same illusion ”, he insists.

Now he will share a dressing room with one of his idols: “The signing of David
Silva It is world-class, it will not be the same as in other years but it will contribute many things to us, it is important that players of that caliber want to come and play for the Real ”, highlighted the '10'. He looked back: “When I was little I went to Ipurua with the aitas, I was a partner of Eibar and he was the first great player I saw live, you could see that he did special things,” he admitted Oyarzabal.

A hard hit

The unexpected and painful departure of Martin
Odegaard, caught the Real squad off balance: “It caught me off guard when I was on vacation, I found out immediately when the club made it official,” he remarks. “I had the opportunity to speak with him, he was grateful for everything he has done at La Real and he was eager to continue with us.” Is clear Oyarzabal that “he has shown a lot on and off the field, at first it was difficult for him because of how he is, but then he showed what a great person and player he is, if he continues like this things will come to him and he will have a brilliant career,” he said. the clouds to Norwegian crack.

Although it is indisputable, Oyarzabal understands that “there is more and more competition in the team and that is always good because you keep growing, here each training session is like a game and that helps you.” With the arrival of Merquelanz and the wingers who continue in the first team, will have to fight for the position: “When I arrived I was used to playing on the inside, I started to play extreme and you have to adapt.” It doesn't matter where to play: “The coach asks you for A or B and I am available to play and do whatever, whatever he asks of me. Imanol”, He added.