Overmars pushes sponsors away from Antwerp

A close move and an attempt to start over for Marc Overmars. The Dutchman was fired from Ajax after learning of the alleged sexual harassment reported by several co-workers at the Dutch club going over the line to even send images of his genitals.

Now, Antwerp hired him as sports director. “I want to turn the page and start a new chapter here (…). What happened in Amsterdam will not be reproduced,” he assured. on his arrival on March 21, but the problems are now different.

“We are also a club that wants to give people a second chance,” added team manager Sven Jacques. who has specified that they have not previously consulted the workers of the sports institution.

In addition to the controversy that it brings behind, the loss of sponsors also arrive. The first to go It has been Select Group, which has decided not to renew the contract with the team.

“The decision to appoint Mr. Overmars, who was recently charged with repeated offending conduct and who is currently the subject of an independent investigation in the Netherlandsgoes directly against the values ​​and standards of our Select Group,” they said in their statement. The Overmars case continues.