After what Ana Maria Aldon tell him that his relationship with Ortega Cano is “cordial” and that, being in the same house, they neither see each other nor make plans together, the right-hander can’t take it anymore: “I think it’s very strong that she has to say those things about her husband. Very strong and totally out of place” .
Also read: Ana María Aldón stretches the gum of her soap opera with Ortega Cano: “We sleep in separate rooms”
Magazine Week collects this Wednesday the bullfighter’s response to the hours and minutes of reproaches that his wife has dedicated to him on television. “We do not sleep together. What I am not going to be is a hypocrite who wants to make up something that is not like that,” Aldón said in Is summer last weekend.
This situation has Ortega Cano to the limit. This has been demonstrated on several occasions when he has asked both his wife and his daughter, Glory Camila, to stop talking about him on the sets. Or when has lost patience in full live Save me.

“I want to say that Telecinco has little left to end my life, they are about to achieve it (…) They have been with me for a long time and I no longer have the strength. I am dejected, because of the cruel way in which they treat me, no I have done nothing to them, what is more, I have made them earn a lot of money, but the way they treat me with my years and with everything I have suffered in my life…”, said the ex-husband of Dew Sworn one month ago.
As if that were not enough, Ana María blames the Ortega Cano brothers, with whom the bullfighter maintains a good relationship, for being, in part, to blame for his marital crisis. A Conchi Ortegafor example, the Andalusian woman refuses to answer the phone: “I only talk to people who love me and contribute to my life.”