One day deals with pistachio in Valladolid as an alternative crop in Castilla y León


The Piñonsol and ACOR cooperatives have organized a coaching day on Thursday concerning the prospects of pistachio as an alternative crop in Castilla y León, its adaptability to the land and the ultimate commercialization of the product.

The exercise will happen in the auditorium of Cajamar de Valladolid and it’ll deal with totally different important facets in the administration of this crop, which already exceeds 1,700 hectares all through the Group, primarily in the provinces of Zamora and Valladolid.

Among the many audio system are Adrián Jiménez, ACOR technician, who will discuss concerning the pistachio alternative; Hugo Nicolás Martín, technician of the Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León (ITACyL), who will clarify how this crop might be an alternative for the sector; Professors Dunia Virto and María Antonia González, from the Division of Financial and Social Sciences of INEA, who will deal with the edaphoclimatic aptitude and financial viability of pistachio; and eventually Gabriel Trenzado, director of technical companies of Cooperatives Agroalimentarias de España, who will clarify the commercialization of the product.

The Minister of Agriculture, Jesús Julio Carnero, might be in cost of closing the day accompanied by the supervisor of Piñonsol, Amelia Pastor, and the president of ACOR, Justino Medrano.