‘One by one’ of Barça against Arsenal

CLOTHS Concentrated

He remained in the game at all times despite having hardly any work. Much credit to his intervention before Mead almost at the end for that.


The public took her with her for a ticket that cost her the card. She shot the crossbar and was substituted after a foul

Unsurpassed WALLS

Impressive the Basque power station, a bastion.


Match almost without error, beyond some specific tension in the exit of the ball

ROLFO Omnipresente

Great game as a winger. He went up, down, defended, attacked, assisted and scored. The best

ALEXIA Guarded

They were very aware of her with little subtlety. The world’s number one will have to get used to it

AITANA Sublime

Sensational performance. He moved the team, broke lines, they did not beat him and scored the first goal


It was difficult for him to break through the right wing of the attack, very guarded

MARIONA Tireless

Magnificent work between the lines, recovering an infinity of balls and collaborating in the creation


Opened the field to the left, allowing interior corridors

TIGHT Potent

Gave presence in the core in a remarkable performance

GRAHAM Rewarding

He reappeared and sped up the attack

JANA Fighter

He had to deal with the whipping Mead

Oxygenating LEILA

Provided energy


His seniority brought peace of mind at the end