The political news of the day is the departure of Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros of Vox. In the Assembly of Madrid, for the moment, his wife remains, Dew Monastery. Macarena Peopleformer deputy of the formation, posted a tweet on Monday in defense of his former partner.
“Today I will only say something. I will not keep the silence that I have kept for myself if he is being harassed. Because at the start everything is good words. Organized harassment comes later. Remember it when you are uncorking the bottle: 19”, he wrote . With the number 19 it could refer to the number of seats that the formation of Santiago Abascal he lost in the general elections of this 23-J compared to those of 2019.
Today I will just say something. The silence that I have maintained for myself will not be maintained if he is harassed. Because at the start everything is good words. Organized bullying comes later. Remember it when you are uncorking the bottle: 19.
— Macarena Olona (@Macarena_Olona) August 8, 2023
Espinosa de los Monteros will cease to be the deputy secretary of International Relations of Vox and spokesman for the Parliamentary Group in the Congress of Deputies, as anticipated The world exclusively this Tuesday, August 8. They maintain that he is dissatisfied with the results obtained by his party and that, in addition, he has discrepancies with the leader and the leadership of the formation.
Macarena People
After not obtaining the expected results in the Andalusian elections in June last year, Olona left Vox alleging health problems and, shortly after, turned the wheel criticizing the formation, thus evidencing his bad relationship with the leaders of his former game.
In his interview with Jordi Évole Last February, he said: “If someone at Vox has the impression that you cannot leave the alpha male party without asking for permission or authorization, they have been wrong with me.” In the last general elections of 23-J he presented his candidacy with his new party, Caminando Juntos. He barely got 5,500 votes in the 12 provinces in which he ran.
In recent days, it has also become news for his sentimental life. She is in love with a Galician musician who defines himself in networks as “republican, feminist and anti-fascist”. Is about david romero.