Olga Moreno is as liar as Íñigo Onieva: why she denied us that she was with Etienne

We told Informalia in July that Antonio David’s ex was dating his representative: “Olga Moreno entertains herself with Etienne”, we titled. She conceded a few days later to the magazine Hola an interview in which he denied our news and laughed. Now we know that Olga lied to the weekly and that she did it to preserve the exclusive that comes to light this Wednesday.

“It has been published that you could be dating your representative, Agustín Etienne. Is it true?” The magazine asked him. She laughed but she was blunt and she deceived the publication like this: “That’s a lie. He is a representative and a friend, nothing more. I’m sick of being invented boyfriends. I don’t care what they say, because it’s more of the same. They are looking for a partner all day”, she said with all the cynicism in the world. “They have seen me with Agus and will continue to see me because he handles my professional affairs. I don’t have to hide,” she added. “I’m not dating. What I was missing! The last thing I want right now is to have a boyfriend. I go out with my friends and friends and I have a great time,” she explained. “I need a period of calm. I’m not for crushes. Today, I hope that a new love does not come into my life “, she assured, when in fact her relationship with Etienne was already much more than a friendship.” I’m super good. But that does not mean that I have fallen in love … It seems that one has to fall in love to get ahead, “she concluded.

It’s been a month and a half since Hola and her readers swallowed Olga Moreno’s lies and, as expected, now it is she herself, with money involved, who says the opposite. With the headline “I have found a man who makes me happy”, the Sevillian woman opens her heart to Week.

Antonio David’s ex celebrates her 47th birthday in love (she meets them on October 3). Note that he says “I have found a man” (as if he were someone new in his life) instead of “I have found the man”… He completes his story giving more details: “For some months Etienne). After my separation, I began to spend more time in Madrid and we went out with his friends, my friends. I told him that one day we would end up together, although he laughed at my occurrences. “
