Barça reconfirmed January 24 as the official date of the elections and announced the ten voting points, which will be located in: Barcelona (Camp Nou facilities), Tarragona, Lleida, Girona, Andorra, Tortosa, Madrid, Seville, Valencia and Palma de Mallorca. Finally, therefore, the vote will not be divided into two days (24-25) to avoid the danger of crowds for health reasons and both the Generalitat, through the Ministry of Health and that of L'Esport, in addition to the Procicat and the same Barça, confirm that there are guarantees even if they are held in a single day.

Barça confirmed more dates. On December 14, the Management Committee will meet to approve the call. On Wednesday December 16, will be officially released said call for elections. Between December 23 and January 11, the signature will be collected and finally between on January 15 and 22 the electoral campaign will take place.
The electoral race for Barça is as follows: have already officially presented their candidacy Joan Laporta (former president between 2003 and 2010), Emili Rousaud, Toni Freixa, Víctor Font and Xavier Vilajoana. Jordi Farré has not yet officially presented it and there were no acts by Lluís Fernández Alá and Pere Riera. Juan Rosell, like Jordi Roche, ruled out showing up at the last minute; and Agustí Benedito tries to join Laporta's candidacy but for the moment he has not had an affirmative answer from the candidate.