Surrogate motherhood Ana Obregon devastates the informative morning of this Wednesday, April 5. To the interview of the actress, posing with her daughter-granddaughter in her arms, an unusual image joins: that of the pregnant mother who rented her womb to give birth to Ana Sandra Lequio. It is the cover of Lectures.
Read also – The Cuban who gave birth to Ana Obregón’s granddaughter: It is not the first time that she has been forced to resort to surrogacy
It shows a woman in a white coat with pink hearts. She is walking down the street with slippers from being at home. She carries her car keys in her left hand. She is very smiling. The magazine tells us that this woman, the biological mother of two teenagers, has no genetic link with the baby. In other words, she is not the egg donor; and that for this rental service of her uterus he would have pocketed some 35,000 euros of the 170,000 that Obregón would have paid for all the services provided by the specialized surrogacy agency. This is an average price offered in the US, which, according to the publication, can reach 200,000 if a twin or twin pregnancy is contracted.
He rents his belly “to be able to survive”
The surrogate mother lives with her children and her boyfriend in a modest apartment near the Miami clinic where she gave birth. She does Lectures express mention that this is not the first pregnancy she has undergone by contract. It would be her second experience as a pregnant mother. The phrase from the magazine is forceful: “It is not the first time that she has been forced to resort to surrogacy in order to survive”. In other words, the magazine knows that there is a situation of economic vulnerability that has led this woman to make that decision.