Odegaard & Bravo: high pompadour reunions

The enigma about how Anoeta would react to the return of Martin
Odegaard it will last until the next time. This time, it will be impossible to decipher the question. The stadium will attend the visit of Real Madrid in devastating intimacy. There will be no people in Anoeta to cheer or disapprove of the Norwegian for his departure with a verbal pact involved. Just an empty stand. Four months later, on January 24, another comeback. Claudio
Bravo with Betis. Too much pandemic, too long for the forecast not to be reserved. Will the fans then come to worship or recriminate him? The coronavirus will tell.

They are the high-profile reunions under the ruling of uncertainty. The return to what was his home for professional footballers was always accompanied by curiosity as an additional complement. Above all, by how the respectable sovereign responds to the decision to have ever left. Farewells, in most cases, are surrounded by a bittersweet flavor. In the end and in the end, there is something that ends.

Captivating in record time

The seal that he has left Odegaard at La Real it is practically unheard of if one takes into account the short time he has been at the club. There may have been, surely, other foreigners with more marks but who made history in more years. In a single season, the Norwegian galvanized, until it was announced that he was appropriating the return ticket to Madrid, the admiration of an entire people. Beyond his striking category as a footballer, for his determination, dedication, not necessarily inherent in a foreigner.

Turns out that Odegaard he will play his first official game after his return with Real Madrid in Anoeta. The team of Zidane He was declared exempt from the opening day of September 13 because he finished the previous year later. Therefore, the current champions will be sure on the occasion of the second day, in Donostia. From captivating in record time, the Scandinavian will go on to join the ranks of a realistic archenemy.

Bravo took the Real to trial

Real Betis has been one of the goalkeeper hunters in these early stages of the market. The immortal confidence that emerges from two compatriots, coach and player, in the professional world, made Manuel
Pellegrini intervene decisively in the signing of Claudio Bravo. The Chilean, again in the Spanish league after his stint at Manchester City.

Bravo He will play in Anoeta 10 years after organizing the delirium in the same stands with a scandalous free-kick goal, in February 2010. On January 24, 2021, Betis will visit the Real field. The time has changed. If the public can take their seats on such a day, the goalkeeper will probably not receive the affectionate treatment that would be paid to an old friend.

The Chilean's performance in his 8 years (237 games) as a realist was outstanding. Similar to Odegaard in their 36 games (7 goals). The obvious difference is that Claudio
He took Real to trial once he signed for Barcelona. An epilogue of this kind is likely to sting in the parish.

Claudio Bravo has paid two visits to Anoeta as a Barcelona goalkeeper. La Real won 1-0 both times.