“Obviously, there is an attempt to condition the match”

The second leg of the Cup semifinal between Valencia and Athletic begins to heat up. Jose Bordalás He stated today that the ‘rojiblanco’ team is trying to condition the match. “There have been statements of all kinds. Insinuating that Valencia lost time in the first leg and that they did things that are not allowed. If you try to falsify reality, it is conditioning”, stated coach Ché in the preview of the commitment that will decide the first finalist of the KO tournament.

“We are focused solely and exclusively on the match. It is a very important moment for the institution, the club and the fans. We are focused on that. Obviously, there is an attempt to condition, so I’m not going to go into that. We are not interested. We are just a few hours away from a very important match and from giving our fans a joy”, he added.

“The referees are great professionals. There are all kinds of statements and I don’t think they are going to be influenced in any way. We all know who has made them”

Jose BordalásValencia coach

In this sense, he has been very calm that the performance of the collegiate Gil Manzano, the person in charge of dispensing justice in Mestalla. “The referees are great professionals. There are all kinds of statements and in no way do I think they are going to be influenced by any statement. We all know who made them.”

The man from Alicante has also referred to the criticism that Valencia received for the large number of interruptions that it caused in San Mamés and that led to very little real playing time. “We don’t have to prove anything to anyone. I’ve been a coach for many years and I’m very proud of my teams, who compete at a very high level. My goal is for the fans and my club to be happy. Those criticisms are like a compliment. When Valencia loses nobody says absolutely nothing. When you win, the wild card appears there to justify that they did not beat you, ”he said.

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The Valencia coach has reiterated the good game played by his team in the first leg played on February 10. “Just like the team has been able to put on a great game at San Mamés. Now we play in Mestalla and we are going to make the fans vibrate and enjoy. I see it in their faces, in the mood of the squad. I notice very good sensations. I have noticed that my players are very attentive and concentrated, tremendously responsible. They know the repercussion and the responsibility that we have. That is good”. Bordalás He added that you have to know how to live with the pressure of playing a match of these characteristics, with the ticket to a Cup final at stake.

Bordalás He has also recognized the importance of the game in his professional career: “I have enough experience, I have lived through almost everything. Every week is a new experience. I’m calm, the most important game is the next one, but obviously this one has a huge reward. It’s a game that’s tremendously important for me too”.

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The coach expects a very disputed match. “It is a unique opportunity. To win a title obviously you have to be in the final. There is not going to be another opportunity and we are going to try to take advantage of it without any hesitation”.

Lastly, he considers that the semi-final is still 50% after away goals are no longer worth double in the event of a tie, something that would have given his team an advantage with the goal scored by Hugo Hard in San Mames. “With the new format, away goals do not have double value and it is 50%. Athletic is a great team that has eliminated Madrid and Barcelona. We respect the rival. It is a team that does not delay passes in its own field, seeks a lot of verticality and will look for spaces behind our defense. We play at home with our fans and they are going to give us that plus and that energy that Mestalla always gives you. We have it,” he said. Bordaláswhich has hinted that it will be able to count on Gayàthe great doubt in his team.