Nuria González and her two children arrive at the funeral home broken and are reunited with the other children of Fernández Tapias

Friends like Jesus Vazquez, Florentino Perez y Alfonso Diez they are turning to Nuria Gonzalez in this very painful moment, in which she and her two children, Ivan y Almathey mourn the loss of Fernando Fernandez Tapias at 84 years old. The funeral chapel has been installed at the La Paz Mortuary (Tres Cantos, Madrid) this Wednesday, October 25.

The last years of the businessman and former first vice president of Real Madrid have been marked by his health problems, mainly related to his coronary deficiencies. Fernández Tapias has been supported until the end of his days by González and by his two children with the socialite, Iván, who is already 20 years old, and Alma, a 16-year-old teenager who today mourns the loss of her mother.

Upon arrival at the funeral home, none of the three have been able to camouflage their expression of pain. Nuria González becomes a widow at the age of 51 and her two children have a whole life ahead of them without him. Iván studies at the prestigious University College of Financial Studies of Madrid (CUNEF), the same center that Alonso Aznar and the brothers Carlos and Felipe Cortina have attended. Alma, Fernández-Tapias’ little girl, is focused on her school years. Like her brother, she is a very dedicated young woman.

He was not so close to the rest of his children. It must be remembered that Fernando, Borja, Sandra, Íñigo y Juan Carlos They sued him in 2021 to legally incapacitate him and thus challenge the transfer of powers that he had initiated months before in his business conglomerate. The court finally agreed with him and dismissed the lawsuit considering that the shipowner continued to have full use of his powers.

Fernando, Borja and Íñigo are the fruit of his first marriage with Chiqui de la Rivaa relationship from which the deceased was also born Bosco. Sandra y Juan Carlosfor their part, were born from his second marriage with Juana García Courel. Of them, Borja and Íñigo have been the first to travel to the funeral home, where they have shared space and time with their father’s widow and her younger brothers.

Fernando and Nuria were married on October 14, 2002 in a wedding held in Jerez de la Frontera with guests such as Isabel Preysler, Terelu Campos, Cari Lapique, Marisa de Borbón and the Duchess of Montoro, close friends of Nuria. Despite the exceptional guests who attended the wedding, the ceremony was held secretly from the press.