Six days after the interest of Ecuadorian businessmen to take over the reins of CD Numancia came to light, this Wednesday, and through a statement, The Soriano group has confirmed the sale of 10% of shares to the Independiente del Valle de Ecuador team. The president of the South American team is Franklin Tello and together with Juan Carlos Serrano and Michel Deller which, although it has not been confirmed, could be behind the operation. In October 2018, SAD Numancia de Soria was 97% acquired by the Football NewCo 2018 company, whose members were Moisés Israel and Francisco Velázquez de Cuéllar. For almost three years it has been thought that this company was the one who owned the majority of the shares of the rojillo club until a few weeks ago where, again through a statement and since Heraldo-Diario de Soria brought to light the supposed Ecuadorian participation.

However, the club recognized the participation of the South American country, although it clarified that the club was 50.1% of Football NewCo and 49.9% of its “partners” from Ecuador. Now it remains unclear if the 10% that has been sold belongs to the treasury stock that the leaders of Numancia bought themselves in the last Shareholders' Meeting or if it belongs to part of the shares of Football NewCo. Whatever, Numancia continues to have an extreme opacity that further distances the fans from what has been his club. An intense fog is installed between the club and the fans, being increasingly accentuated that the close bond characteristic of the club is broken. As As has learned, some of the current leaders could have the hours counted in the offices of Mariano Vicén, since apart from the management, the bad sporting trajectory could make the new shareholders take drastic measures.