“Now I want naps, books and recipes”

“Today I take my vacation. See you when I return at the beginning of September. You are very well accompanied by this wonderful team. Thank you for everything”. With this message he said goodbye this Thursday Ana Rosa Quintana of her audience in what has been her last programme of the season. The communicator will enjoy a well-deserved holiday but before moving to Sotogrande (her summer refuge) she has gathered her entire team to celebrate a job well done in recent months.

The journalist has announced that she still has “many things to do before I leave” but she hopes to be able to enjoy “a quiet summer, nap, books, music, recipes”. Regarding this first season of TardeARAna Rosa has commented that she is “very happy” because “it has been a year of building, creating a team, we have started with a totally different set, a different team… So it is all new and very new things that we have had to go fitting in, but I’m really very happy.

Regarding the hearings that have been much talked about in recent weeks, he explained that “We have remained on average above the average of the chain, with only one point from the competition, with all the circumstances it has been a good result.” And he pointed out: “We must take into account that before it was Save me with their audience, which is not the same as ours, and we have had to become a family. The collaborators, except for their hearts, did not know each other.”

She has confessed that she misses politics a lot (“I’m still a political junkie, but I’m very practical, now a new stage begins”) and has denied the rumours of the last few weeks: “I’ll be back in the afternoon, I’ve said it over and over again. I haven’t proposed going back to the mornings, nor am I going to retire, or anything.”. He has also ruled out signing Alejandra Rubio on his team now that it is cancelled. This is lifealthough she says she would love to interview her in the next course: “I would interview everyone who is in the news. She is a very young girl who is a little overwhelmed. She has to relax, she will learn.” However, she has welcomed Terelu, who has signed for De Viernes after her flirtation with TVE: “I think it’s great that Terelu is back, she is a professional for many years and she has always done very well.”

Manuel Díaz El Cordobés, Mayka Navarro, Miguel Ángel Nicolás, Bea Archidona, Manu Marlaska, Paz Padilla, Laura Sánchez, Alaska…No one wanted to miss the meeting to say goodbye to a season in which they have stood up to Sonsoles Ónega and, since last May, María Patiño, Belén Esteban and company in the newly released It’s not like we’re shhh. It took place at Ana Rosa’s home in Madrid, specifically in her garden. Quintana has always been very generous with her employees. She was when she was president of Cuarzo and she is now with Unicorn Contents, a production company that she runs together with her right-hand man since time immemorial, Xelo Montesinos.

Manuel Diaz ‘The Cordoban’

Mayka Navarro

Miguel Ángel Nicolás

Beatriz Archidona

Manu Marlaska

Paz Padilla

Laura Sanchez

Patricia Perez and Alaska

