Novak Djokovic wants to “play as long as” he can

DUBAI, 24 Dic. (STATS Perform/dpa/EP) –

The Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic is clear that he wants to play “as long as” his body allows him after overcoming a difficult campaign in 2022, and he celebrated that he can return in 2023 to play in Australia and the first ‘Grand Slam’ of the season.

“I’d like to play as long as I can, but I don’t really have any numbers in my head. Things are progressing pretty well for me and I can’t complain, so as long as I play at this level, as long as I have the fire, I’ll keep going.” “Djokovic said after playing the World Tennis League in Dubai.

The man from Belgrade was also “happy to have the opportunity to start again” his season in Australia, after not being able to do it this 2022 after being deported from the country for not being vaccinated against the coronavirus. “My track record has been pretty good over the years in Australia so I’m looking forward to going there,” he added.

“I always ask for the best for me. Over the years, I’ve been very lucky to start very strong in Australia and I love playing there. After what happened earlier this year, I hope I can get a good reception there and that can help me play good tennis,” he said.