Norma Duval’s kick to Jimmy Giménez-Arnau that made history: “I was excited”

The day Norma Duval’s shoe flew off the stage of an Onda Cero studio: it was the moment the actress and dancer had a fit of rage against Jimmy Giménez-Arnau.

It was in 1993. The vedette appeared on Luis del Olmo’s programme on Onda Cero and after the journalist’s criticism, she got excited, took off a shoe, a stiletto heel, and threw it at him. Norma, barefoot, was very pleased.

The anecdote was glossed over by Luis del Olmo himself, who went live on As if we were ShhhThe veteran journalist has recounted that he was in the radio studio with his emblematic ProtagonistsThe shoe “flew over Alfonso Ussía… There were more than 200 people in the studio. We were doing the debate on the state of the nation,” one of his trademark humorous spaces with Coll and Mingote, among others.

“The shoe hit Mingote”

María Patiño asked her if she thought that Jimmy Giménez-Arnau was going to lose control at that moment. “Arnau was excited about it. It was fun.” Luis del Olmo recalled more details of the shoe-throwing on Ana Rosa Quintana’s TardeAR programme: “I don’t know what happened to Norma, suddenly she took off one of the shoes she had bought the week before, and she threw it and it hit Antonio Mingote.”
